Saturday, September 18, 2010


Yesterday's AGM of the Gold Coast Writers' Association was a bit disappointing in that so many members failed to appear - perhaps thinking they might get roped in to being on the committee. However I enjoyed my three minutes of fame giving a short reading from "The Election" which seemed to be positively received. I also managed to get myself roped in to the committee and I'm looking forward to having a say in the running of the association.

Listening to the other readers I had to agree with our president when she commented that when you hear so many members providing a sample of their work you realise just how diverse our membership is and what creative talent we have around us.

I didn't manage a sale to such a small audience but what the heck. I had a great time.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I attended the 20th anniversary lunch of the Gold Coast Writers' Association today. It was well attended and a great success. Particularly impressive was the guest speaker David Leser one of Australia's leading journalists. When I returned home I read a few of his articles online including one he wrote on Jerusalem. It was a fascinating read and I can't wait to get there on my trip to Israel next year.

A copy of my book "The Election" was one of the door prizes and it was won by Julie. I signed it for her. Hope she likes it.